Dr. Joseph A. Kleinkort, PT, MA, CEASI, CEASII, CIE, DAAPm, Naples, Fl
Irene is the most gifted physical therapist I have ever met in the field of pain management and acupuncture. Her gift is directly from God and it is obvious to each patient who sees her that she has been given a tremendous gift of light and love to pass on to each dear soul who sees her.
She takes the time to listen and care and hear the Lord in every patient. Her treatments are very soothing and compelling to the body to refresh itself with new life. Hers is a gift that only comes along once in a lifetime and all who see her know that they are on the right path.
I have been blessed to have her as a mentor and often glean from her sage advice. My prayer for her is to grow in His touch of life to all she comes in contact with and it is a privilege to know her and work side by side with her. She is such a gifted teacher.
Shoshana L., Estero, FL
For nine years, I had been struggling with severe IBS-C. I was a healthy 16-year-old in every aspect except that I had one of the worst cases of IBS physicians had ever seen. And no one could figure out why a healthy teenager was dealing with issues mostly seen in geriatrics.
I had tried every diet, supplement, and medication on the market and had every test and scan that a person could have done. I was at the point of resorting to surgery, to remove my colon. Surgery was always a last resort, but after nine years of chronic suffering, it had come to that.
However, right before I made an appointment for the pre-surgery consultation, I was referred to Irene. I was skeptical at first. How could acupressure or energy work cure a nine-year chronic condition? And after nine years of chronic pain, my hope of getting better started to quickly diminish. But after reading her raving reviews, I figured I had nothing left to lose.
After about 4 sessions with Irene, I was cured. And not just cured for the day, I was cured completely. My nine-year chronic condition was over with. And my hope was restored.
I am still in shock as is anyone I tell this to. But I am so grateful to Irene Hujsa for giving me my life back.
Tracye Z., MD, Naples, Fl
I highly recommend Irene Hujsa, PT for physical therapy. Having seen her as a patient for my upper back and neck pain, I can attest to her
skills as a diagnostician and therapist. Within 2 months I had relief of pain that had been a chronic problem for years! I am also a physician who refers patients to her for a variety of concerns including pelvic pain, back pain, neck pain, headaches, etc. It's wonderful to have these individuals return to my office and hear their reports of improvement or resolution of the problem, not to mention their praise for the rapport they had with this lovely woman.
Irene Hujsa has a special gift for her chosen profession and I feel so fortunate to know her as a patient, colleague, and friend.
Crafton Wallace, MMa Champion, Naples, FL
I injured my right knee in a mixed martial arts competition in Canada in October of 2011. I had a complete tear of my ACL and damaged my miniscus so badly that I needed a complete knee reconstruction.
I began traditional physical therapy after my surgery on the third week of October. I went three times a week for six weeks. I was given exercises to do, followed by ice with an electrical stimulator on my knee after every treatment. I did not have ANY relief from pain, my knee remained very swollen, and I could not bend or extend my knee without experiencing excruciating pain. I could not sleep at night due to the extreme discomfort I was feeling.
I knew I needed help, and that these treatments were not helping me very much. I felt like I was wasting my time. A friend of mine mentioned Irene Hujsa, P.T., and said she did other forms of treatments that might help me. On our first session, Irene used a micro current machine to stimulate acupuncture and trigger points on my knee. She used the same machine to release my scar. She them followed this with intense soft tissue work, followed by a cold laser treatment. I was surprised with the amount of time she spent with me.
I was very pleased with the results after our first session. My swelling decreased by at least 70%. I was able to fully extend my knee and bend to 125 degrees. Best of all, I had very little discomfort and slept throught the night for the first time since my injury.
My subsequent treatments resulted in even more dramatic healing. I restored my range of motion and muscle function back to normal which I never thought I would achieve again. I was able to do my exercises with no pain right after the treatment, which Irene fully supervised, making sure I did each one correctly. She sent me home with my home program and told me to be proactive, and to do my exercises at home consistently so she could spend more time working on my knee with her healing modalities. Each week she would revise my exercises as she felt was necessary. I saw her for 6 weeks.
In no time at all, I was back in my dojo, training people and myself for the next MMA event. As a martial artist I needed to repair and recover as quickly as possible. Irene's way of healing with her modalities, expertise, and compassion was the answer for me and I highly recommend her to anybody who is serious about healing and becoming pain free after any injury.
Jo Ellen B., Naples, FL
What can I say that will describe Irene and what she does for her patients? There would never be enough words to describe her!
I came to Irene four years ago with severe nerve problems, back and neck problems, severe arthritis, and an arm that was burning 90% of the time. I am now almost pain-free in my arm, and my back and neck are more manageable than I ever thought possible.
After being in Irene’s care for a long time, I had a neurosurgeon evaluate an MRI of my neck and back. When he came into the exam room, he was shocked. He commented that he expected to see a very old woman slumped over in a wheelchair. He said, ”Whatever you are doing, keep doing it!” I would never want to touch you if Irene has you looking and feeling this good. He talked to me and made me realize that surgery is not always the only option, nor is it always the best option. Gentle healing and giving the body the chance to heal itself is a powerful alternative to the side effects of surgery.
When you are in Irene’s care, you are in the hands of a “healer,” not just a therapist. Her unbelievable knowledge of the human body and how it works, combined with her compassion for her patients, her spiritual connection with the universe and the energy around it, and her persistence to heal the body, is
truly God’s gift to us.
I have referred many patients to her, and each one of them comes back to tell me how amazing she is. I can’t believe we have her here in our corner of the world. She is truly a gift to be cherished. I can’t imagine my life without her!
Robert H., Naples, FL
My name is Robert Joseph Harvey. I am a United States Army infantry veteran. I served in Afghanistan 2004 to 2005. During my time in the service I sustained multiple joint injuries which have now left me with multiple arthritis and severe chronic pain on a daily basis.
I have pushed through this pain for years, my body and my mind have become accustomed to it.
One day I started running a fever. I took Tylenol for a week or so, but the fevers never subsided and I was becoming weaker and I was experiencing even more pain.
I took a trip to my local VA to see my primary care doctor. He prescribed antibiotics and ordered blood work for further evaluation. My fevers continued to intensify until I began having severe night sweats, to the point that my wife had to change my clothes and my bedding 1 to 2 times each night. My fever were coming 2 to 3 times a day and the fevers were running up to 105 degrees. At this point Tylenol would only keep the fever a bay for a few hours at best. I had no energy, I was in severe pain, I was fatigued and nowhere else to turn. I was hospitalized for months on end. The doctors did lymph node biopsy, bone marrow biopsy, liver biopsy, and countless numbers of blood work. They even sent my blood to the CDC for evaluation.
The doctors could not find anything in my blood work or my tests to explain why I had severe inflammation in my body and high fever.
It was at a church function that a friend of mine referred me to Irene Hujsa, PT who founded Trans World Therapy Foundation. I was willing to do anything at this point, I was desperate, my body was wasting away and I had lost over 20 pounds and fevers did not stop. I thought I was going to die.
I came into Irene’s office very depressed, desperate, and with very little hope. My Faith was running out. As I sat in her office, I began to pray that the Lord will give her the guidance to heal me. When she entered the room, she asked me what I was doing. I said, I was praying that the Lord would help her heal me. She answered simply, “The Lord will Heal you”.
At this time, the only thing the doctors could do to stop the fever was to give me a powerful steroid to shut off my immune system. I was on a huge dose of Prednisone daily and this helped to lower the fever to 102 degrees for a very short while and then it would climb up again to 105 degrees.
Irene’s approach was very different. She used alternative therapies such as acupuncture points, and powerful essential oils to boost my immune system. Almost immediately after starting treatment I felt better. I had more energy, I had hope even though the fevers were still coming.
I think that the genuine love and concern Irene showed me was the best treatment.
My fevers started to decrease, and after several months, the fevers were becoming less and less often, and eventually went away completely. The doctors had no explanation, no reasoning and no diagnosis for what I had.
I thank the Lord for leading me to Irene. It has been almost a year now, and I am still fever free and in much better health. As a side benefit, my chronic pains have lessened by more than half. My family and I are forever grateful to Irene.
If you have lost hope and are hurting I recommend letting Irene evaluate you and treat you.
She is truly a light in a dark day, and I am so grateful to her and her foundation for giving me the care that I needed.
Lynn M., Naples, FL
I was referred to Irene by my plastic surgeon who performed a reconstruction after breast cancer on an irradiated breast. I have been amazed with the laser and Avazzia treatments. Irene has the expertise to reduce the scars layers beyond the surface. I have my life back, and I am also able to sleep on my side after my breast surgery. She is extremely knowledgable as a physical therapist. She combines Western and Eastern techniques to provide the maximum care for scars, wounds and inflammation. I recommend her to anyone with scar pain, nerve pain, muscle pain and inflammation. Relief is amazing. She can even help with TMJ, a most painful affliction.
Karen Knudson​
I am writing this to thank Irene Hujsa for the most amazing treatment she has done for me. For the past 12 years I have suffered with a rash that totally made me miserable.
I started with many doctors. They did biopsies after biopsies, creams and more creams.
After only two visits with Irene I am rash free. She diagnosed me immediately and then with her expert knowledge and treatment, I’m rash free.
I will continue with maintenance for sure if needed. I sincerely have never been healed or treated this way.
Thank you Irene
Joandra A.
I just want to share the experience that I have with DoTerra oils. My husband took pills for allergies for about 10 years. Since Irene introduced the oils, my husband started using them every night and he hasn't needed any pills for about a month now.
Michael C.
I have been seeing Irene routinely for four years. I am at a point now where I can separate my visits from four to six weeks. But in the beginning it wasn’t like that. She worked diligently of ridding me of crippling anxiety. So crippling that I couldn’t sleep, eat or function emotionally and I was mired in a crumbling marriage. Irene was challenged in having to undo 50 years of compartmentalized ingested events that were not processed normally.
Irene used electro-magnetic and micro current therapy to relax the acupuncture points that controlled my anxiety levels. She incorporated this treatment to open up and heal my internal organs that were functioning so poorly I could have died. Even after a horrific low point suffering through a divorce, her transfer of spirituality and scientific treatment, I am doing fantastic with very little signs of anxiety or emotional blockage.
I am blessed by God through Irene’s care!
Thanks to Irene, I can not only survive, but thrive the remainder of my life!
Cauane S.
After having our twins, which made #3 and #4 in our family of 6, I was so content mothering the amazing 4 kids that we have and suddenly hit a wall.....A physical wall where I experienced debilitating pain in my feet and tingling sensations in my legs. Aside from that I began to twitch. When I say "twitch," whether it was my arm or my leg or my neck it was uncontrollable in that I could do nothing and could not pinpoint where it came from. We went to many many doctors who tried to label what I had or just label me because they couldn't figure out what was going on with my body. I was labeled with neuropathy, fibromyalgia, arthritis and Lord knows what else but I knew I didn't have these things. No one was trying to get to the basis of what I was experiencing but they were all quick to prescribe medicine that I certainly did not need nor want.
And then......I met Irene. This woman was so God sent!! She looked at me and said, "It's your nervous system. There is a blockage and we need to unblock it." I internalize any stresses I experience and my body shuts down, frequencies are interrupted, and I don't function like I normally do. Well, Irene knew that. I went to her every week for a good year and little by little I felt like myself! I wasn't tired or weak, I had energy and no pain. It is amazing how much she has done for me and my well being. The oils aside from her work have helped my entire family. We use them on a regular basis. Even now feeling so much better physically I go to her when there's something off and sure enough she knows and she heals. She really is a true healer and I am so grateful to have found her. She's a blessing in our lives.
Michelle D., Naples, FL
I had tried everything to get pregnant for about four years with no luck. My husband and I went to a fertility doctor for about two years, tried IVF, and our next step was adoption.
Irene was recommended to me by a family member who found success with her in another area of her expertise. I was desperate, running out options at my age and would try anything. I went to Irene and she released scar tissue from a scar that encompassed my entire stomach area from a surgery that I had thirteen years earlier. She also stimulated acupuncture points for infertility using a micro current machine. She thought I may need one more treatment, but turns out it was not necessary. I got pregnant after my first treatment with Irene!
I truly believe that my scar tissue was a detriment to me and was blocking my ability to get pregnant for so many years.
I am very grateful that I saw Irene and have a beautiful son to show for it!
Allie W., Naples, FL
I never thought I would be pain free! After eight months of various types of mediocre physical therapy on my calves, I am so grateful that I was introduced to Irene. She has gotten me back on the tennis court so much faster than anyone else. I am confident that our five sessions together have helped me the most. I finally am back playing with full confidence and I owe Irene a world of gratitude.
Deanna B., Naples, FL
Less than one year ago I saw Irene for the first time and since then it has been a life changing expierience. Saddled with a devastating disease that affected my nervous system, Irene immediately went to work to heal. Being from out of the country, I literally count the sleeps until I see her again. Each time she carefully focuses, bringing my health to a new level with a deep understanding combined with skills that no other practitioner has touched (and there have been many).
Initially I could only walk a short distance before pain took over, and between manual therapy (MYK), acupuncture, laser, and plenty of love and understanding, my body is healing. Thanks to Irene I now have my life back, can sit, walk, stand on my feet, go to the gym, and take no medications.
She also tackled with ease problems from an unusual surgery that I underwent 3 years ago that left me unable to sit.
Irene is an outstanding healer and I am so thankful that I met her. I highly recommend her approach to deal with a cross section of ailments.
Jerry N.
After PPH hemorrhoid surgery (aka "stapling") in February 2010, I suffered from rectal burning. I read in an article on the internet that Hemorrhoid PPH Surgery is a procedure which can be either be your best solution - or a nightmare, leaving you with constant problems and pain to live with for the rest of your life.
On a scale of 1-10, my pain at times was excruciating. Many times, I would have judged it to be around a level of 8-9. I couldn't sit still when I was driving in the car. The pain was very distracting and sometimes unbearable. There were times when, I would have to stop the car, get out and walk around for a few minutes before I could sit back down. I suffered with that pain almost daily for over a year, especially after episode of multiple bowel movements. I tried pain pills, creams with Lidocaine and Hydrocortizone for months, with only temporary relief. I used a shower wand to treat the area with warm water and I even tried a sitz-bath a few times. Nothing I used or tried gave any lasting relief.
Then Sonny Lamania, of Bradenton, FL referred me to his mentor, Irene Hujsa, in Bonita Springs, FL. Irene used various forms of treatment modalities - like non-invasive micro-current probes that encourage the body to heal itself. Irene used light, sound, and electro-magnetic treatments, along with the micro-current therapy. I am now pain free. Irene Hujsa combines physically therapeutic treatments with scientific tools. She acknowledges that knowledge of acupuncture/acupressure points for healing, account for much of the healing process - but that healing can also be encouraged and enhanced by faith - as it relates to prayer and her relationship with a loving God. I am delighted to have found her and be treated by her. Irene is a God send to anyone who is suffering from pain. She really, truly cares about her patients like no one else I know. She wears her faith on her shoulder and you can see it in her eyes. If you are suffering, take my word for it, you need to seek her out.
Aimee F.
Years ago, I was part of a clinical trial at Yale New Haven Connecticut Hospital where doctors inserted pro-discs between t3-L4 and 5. Since then I have been able to go back to dance instruction and lead an active and relatively pain-free life.
However, last June I injured my upper back while lifting weights and as I was teaching many classes, the area never got a chance to recover. In addition, the pain began moving downward to my back and sacral area. By the time I got to Irene I was in quite a bit of pain throughout my entire back.
After my first session with Irene, I felt 100% pain free. Just as importantly she gave me exercises to do on my own to strengthen my back and try to prevent re-injury. I continue to see her on a monthly basis to keep me both physically and mentally sound. Irene draws on her extensive knowledge as a physical therapist and uses her acute intuition to compliment her ETPS therapy.
She is a caring, compassionate healer. I am very fortunate to have met Irene.
Bill H.
In January 1991 had a stroke that left me with no use of my left arm and limited use of my left leg.
In July, 2011 I was in New York and while getting a massage the therapist told me about a class she had taken using an acupuncture approach with electrical stimulation.
I had my first appointment with Irene on August 12th hoping she could relieve the pain in my shoulder due to what I was told was supplication. I was amazed to get relief after the first visit and it lasted for over two weeks before I needed follow-up treatment.
I have had treatments once a week since, where she has treated me for an inability to flex my ankle and bend my knee. After this short time I am slowly walking without hip hiking and feel my ankle flex as I walk. We are now addressing my left arm and hand and I am optimistic I might get some function back.
Irene has given me a new outlook that with her help and expertise my balance will continue to improve.
Morrie Lipnik, MD
Irene Hujsa is a kind and caring person. She combines this attributes with wonderful skills as a therapist. She knows human anatomy extremely well and combines this knowledge with exercise to restore health to diseased and injured tissues, joint, and bony structures. She also has the advantage of being a laser therapist using the Erchonia laser in her practice. Add her attributes of knowledge with acupuncture and you get a therapist of unparalleled skill with the superb knowledge of restoring her patient's diseased tissues to health. I highly recommend her to all my patients and to anyone seeking first class physical therapy. She has cured patients that other therapist could not cure, or who have given up on them.
Jackie W., Naples, FL
My mother took me to Irene Hujsa at Transworld Therapy when my forearm was withering away and painful after my nerve was damaged by the clumsy insertion of an IV. My damaged forearm was 1 ¾ inches smaller in circumference than my undamaged arm. Irene’s treatments not only halted the withering of my arm but restored it to full strength and size.
Pauline H., Naples, FL
I had multiple and chronic physical issues and PTSD when I first received treatment from Irene. After two auto accidents I had problems with my neck from whiplash and my right leg had never stopped aching in 11 years. I did heavy, repetitive work for 16 years which played havoc on my body with areas of severe fibrosis. My internal pelvic region is full of scar tissue from radiation burns. The mental and physical stress of caring for my parents for 7 years resulted in my developing fibromyalgia. My days were spent being close to tears because of the pain, forcing me to retire from work. Irene freed me of fibromyalgia in one session. That was 18 months ago. My leg does not hurt for long stretches. Returning me to full health will take a miracle. I’ve found that miracle in Irene. Not all miracles are instant. Some take many months, but I am confident I will live out my golden years in much better shape than I entered them.
Col. Robert H., Naples, FL
Irene Hujsa has dramatically changed the quality of my life!! As a result of injuries I received during the Viet Nam War and the required surgery I had to repair the herniated discs, I have lived in constant pain for over 40 years which limited my physical activities and deeply impacted my life style.
The pain had become so severe and I had tried all avenues. I had been under the care of a pain management doctor who prescribed the narcotic drug of oxycodone and had discussed with a neurosurgeon about the possibility of additional surgery. While neither of these options were desirable, I was despair and at my wit's end.
A friend recommended I contact Irene, a highly respected physical therapist who used holistic medicine. During my initial appointment, she explained her procedures and how she used state of the art equipment combined with time-proven alternative medicine. I was most impressed that she was willing to listen to me and then offer several possible remedies. She is one of the most intelligent people that I know. From a medical perspective, she is so knowledgeable and has steered me to different avenues and solutions to many problems.
I experienced immediate relief and have continued to see her for treatment of other issues. I have total confidence in her and have recommended her to my friends and business associates who have had the same wonderful results. I have been able to increase my physical activities and have started an exercise program where I walk 35 to 50 miles a week.
Irene genuinely cares for her patients and my wife and I have established a friendship with her and her family. What Irene has done for me is truly amazing. She can and will work with you and provide you pain relief which will also change the quality of your life.
Agnes H., Naples, FL
There is no one more capable, intelligent, competent and caring in healing than Irene Hujsa. Irene will sort out your symptoms and find a way to help eliminate your pain. My husband suffered from severe back pain for most of his life. A friend referred me to Irene and we made an appointment. His quality of life is now excellent. We can now go on vacation and go to theme parks and he can walk without pain. I myself had a bout with gall bladder and Irene treated me successfully. The pain is gone I can eat and feel good again. I will continue to go to Irene for what I call overall well being treatments that keep me healthy. I feel Irene is a truly gifted and spiritual physical therapist and healer in the field of pain management who heals people to truly relish in a great quality of life. I am truly blessed and grateful to have met Irene and got to know what an amazing person she truly is. I recommend her highly and no one who took my advice was disappointed. All anyone can do is sing her praises of how truly remarkable and wonderful she is at what she does and how she makes you feel.
Judy H., Naples, FL
In the late 90’s, while driving, I was rear ended twice in one week. My neck surgery had already been scheduled and these accidents just added more stress on my already degenerative discs. A few months later, if that wasn’t bad enough, as my mother was walking out of the hospital, she fell and in order to prevent her from hitting her head on the pavement, I caught her and injured my ribs and back. My rib cage was inflamed, resulting in massive scar tissue. Then I experienced a bad reaction to a flu shot, resulting in Bells Palsy to the right side of my face. Before we moved to Naples, Florida, I was required to oversee a renovation project to our condo. While picking out a slab of marble, three slabs fell on my leg causing tissue damage to my left leg. Just call me Lucky!
Life continued to be a little tough as my mom and dad required care and I was teaching full time. My life consisted of work, care of my parents and physical therapy. I like to work and be busy and I always like helping anyone in need, but as we all know when you are in constant pain, it becomes difficult.
When traditional therapy did not help, I searched for all alternative therapies to help me with my pain management. I did receive relief from integrative manual therapy, but that was only in Virginia and Washington, D.C. where I was living at that time. In 2013 we moved to Naples, Florida and I began searching for a therapist that could help me. After visiting a few local therapists, to include water therapy, one of my therapists gave me Irene Hujsa’s number.
Irene is a very busy therapist so I considered myself fortunate to get an appointment. At my appointment, Irene did her evaluation and immediately began treating me. I told her that many people had been praying for me and that they had prayed me to Irene. She agreed and added her own personal prayer.
When no one else could help me, Irene never gave up. Her variety of treatments has helped my back, knee, shoulder, and that nagging side pain in my ribs. I still visit Irene to maintain these amazing improvements. Her treatment has allowed me to participate in ballroom dancing and recently participated in a competition. Of course I have a lot of aches and pains as I am 68, but due to her myriad of treatments, her “can do” attitude, and a lot of prayer, I am an active senior. I dance 3-4 times a week and work 20 hours in retail. I am able to travel and enjoy my life
Irene is a very dedicated therapist. She never gives up and always goes above and beyond with her patient’s treatment. Aside from her amazing skills, her sweet spirit and love of God make her the BEST therapist ever. Everyone that knows her loves and admires her.